Thursday, 10 March 2011

New Whoopie Pie photos

Here are some new photos we took of the Whoopie Pies that Dani baked this week.  They were a hit at the GourmetRabbit Issue 2 launch on Tuesday night!

If you still haven't tried one, and you live in the Inner West, come find me (Anjee) at the Magic Yellow Bus during the week, as I'll have samples with me!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Gourmet Rabbit magazine launch

Just after finishing off the weekend's deliveries for our party clients, Dani is back in the kitchen baking 120 Whoopie Pies!

Issue 2 of Gourmet Rabbit magazine is out this week, and there will be a massive party to launch it on Tuesday night.  As per the Issue 1 launch party, there will be lots of Hospitality Industry types there, all talking about food.  And they'll all be lucky enough to receive "goodie bags" at the door, which will include our homemade Whoopie Pies!

My favourite part is the packaging, making sure the product is presented well, but its going to take a while to pack that many Whoopie Pies.

We'll make sure we take plenty of photos on the night, and of the Whoopie Pies, and we'll post them on our blog later this week.