Sunday, 5 May 2013

Chalking the Streets of Tempe

The path across the road from us.
After the removal of Taylor Square's Rainbow Crossing caused so much dismay in the community, the resulting "DIY Rainbow Crossing" movement has created such a wonderful atmosphere around Sydney.

While it hasn't brought the original Rainbow Crossing back (yet), it has already brought about small positive outcomes on a grass roots level.

Adults, children, young adults and families of all descriptions, have come together as a community and hit the streets.  Weeks on we're still seeing colour around the neighborhood, on the Internet and in the newspapers.
Chalking DIY Rainbow Crossings has brought people outside, and working together.

Those who haven't created their own rainbows have been delighted when coming across them, having their photos taken with this chalk art and adding to the community “rainbow” spirit.

The big kids started the drawing, while Ava watched
The timing has been perfect too, with the NSW school holidays coinciding with the movement taking off.  Another positive outcome I've seen is that it has re-invigorated the simple activity of drawing with chalk on the pavement.  "Back in the day", kids didn't have game consoles, iPhonesiPads or laptops.  They played on the footpath with their friends, skipping, playing hopscotch and drawing with chalk.  I hadn't seen any if these activities since I was a kid. But now with all the chalk we have left after drawing our DIY Rainbows, the kids are spending their afternoons together drawing.

When they started out the front of our house.
An impromptu 'chalking' session happened in our street last week.  It started with the Teenagers and Tweens across the road, then my Pre-Schooler wanted to join in as well as the 18 month old and 7 year old from up the street.  After they'd filled the path across the road, they came across our side of the street and covered our path and driveway.

It was wonderful to see such a broad range of ages all playing together outside on a sunny afternoon.  I'm looking forward to seeing the colour on the ground every time I look out the front of my house (until it rains).

I hope this 'chalking' trend continues amongst the Tempe kids, because it's a fun, timeless activity that brings them all together.

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